Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday Five

Here you go! I'm thankful that...

1. Keith actually WASN'T sick after my last post. I don't know how that happened, but I'll take it.
2. I found a first edition of a really expensive book that I really wanted but couldn't justify spending $100+ on on Ebay for less than $10 including shipping.
3. I'm going to be a step grandmother.
4. My house has stayed relatively clean with Ed and the kids home all the time.
5. Friends are coming for dinner tomorrow night! I love having friends over for dinner!


Unknown said...

Those are 5 really good things Amy!

What's this about a step grandmother?

sonn said...

You're going to be a step-grandmother??? CONGRATS!!!

Happy Holidays to all your adorable family!

Amy Mae said...

Yup, my stepson is going to be a dad in July or so. His girlfriend is due days before I was due with Caroline lol. Crazy, huh?!?